For me, a $20 wine that drinks like a $40 wine in terms of complexity and interest is a value, while a $5 wine that is not very good is not a value at all in my opinion.
I don't believe in careers. I believe in work. I'm not interested in some 'big picture that would be really good for me'.
I try to write something that would interest anybody and keep them turning the page. You must have a plot and good storyline.
Being a woman is of special interest only to aspiring male transsexuals. To actual women, it is simply a good excuse not to play football.
I'm interested in all things that Donald Trump does. I've known him since 1980. He's a good man.
As a Western, 'The Magnificent Seven' was a pretty good film. I don't think it was as interesting or as multi-faceted as 'Seven Samurai.'
My principal job is to make interesting and entertaining films, and I'm not proud of which format or which particular technique I use. I just wanted the film to look good.
Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. They only make good former spouses.
My goal was always to be recognized as a good actor but no one was interested in that, simply because society just wants to warm towards your appearance. This is the great blemish of society.
I like comedies, I like thrillers, I like love stories. Everything is beautiful; it depends if the film is good, who cares? Everything is interesting.
Films don't hold the answers I'm looking for... Would you not be so much more interested in finding out that Bigfoot existed than in watching a really good movie?
The social networking sites are such good way to keep in touch with your fans, it's quick and simple and it keeps your fans interested in what you're doing.
I really enjoyed my kids. They were good boys, you know, and interesting. And they didn't wear me out.
Land began to be seen as something to be owned privately and exploited for private interests, and never was entirely reconciled with the old ideas that land should be utilized in common for the good of all.
So there's always been this clash between what is the public good - that which belongs to all of us in common - and what can be exploited for a private interest.
I'm interested in fashion; I buy fairly good pieces, and I think as I've gotten older, I've pared down a lot.
I don't think anybody would be interested in my memoir - and my memory isn't very good either!
So we should preserve it. I don't think that digital storage is necessarily a good thing, but I definitely think that digital manipulation is interesting.
I always think if it's a good story, the audience can't wait to run out of the theater and go tweet somebody with the gist of a story, in a nutshell, almost, because it was that interesting.
History is full of really good stories. That's the main reason I got into this racket: I want to make the argument that history is interesting.
Following graduation from Amherst, a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship enabled me to test the depth of my interest in literary scholarship by beginning graduate studies at Harvard University.