This malignant persistence since September 11th is the biggest surprise of all. In previous decades, sneak attacks, stock-market crashes, and other great crises became hinges on which American history swung in dramatically new directions. But events ...
Dinner is the most like jazz of all the meals, in that jazz is part form and part improvisation. You decide what you’re going to have, and then while you’re preparing it – because it’s the end of the day and you have the time – you have the...
The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war. We do not want a war. We do not now expect a war. This generation of Americans has already had enough—more than enough—of war and hate and oppression. We shall be prepared if others w...
Nick: We're the same, you and me. We're the same, don't you see? Bill Foster: We are not the same. I'm an American and you're a sick asshole. Nick: Just what kind of vigilante are you? Bill Foster: I am not a vigilante. I am just trying to get home t...
Von Luger: Are all American officers so ill-mannered? Hilts: Yeah, about 99 percent. Von Luger: Then perhaps while you are with us you will have a chance to learn some. Ten days isolation, Hilts. Hilts: CAPTAIN Hilts. Von Luger: Twenty days. Hilts: R...
Lieutenant Okubo: Shall I finish him off? Baron Nishi: No. Treat him. Lieutenant Okubo: But, sir... Baron Nishi: Okubo, you would expect the same, wouldn't you? Endo, treat him. Medic Endo: We are low on morphine as it is. Shimizu: Sir, the Americans...
[last lines] Simon Graham: [narrating] And so the days of the Samurai had ended. Nations, like men, it is sometimes said, have their own destiny. As for the American Captain, no one knows what became of him. Some say that he died of his wounds. Other...
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Even though we are too insignificant to be spokesmen for such a noble cause, we believe, and this journey has only confirmed this belief, that the division of American into unstable and illusory nations is a complete fict...
Mossad Accountant: In the operational funds box we will deposit 250,000 American dollars. You take it out - we put more in. I want receipts! [he slams his hand on his desk for emphasis] Mossad Accountant: You are not working for the Baron Rothschild!...
Christopher "Chris" Wilton: So tell me, what's a beautiful young American ping-pong player doing mingling among the British upper class? Nola Rice: Did anyone ever tell you you play a very aggressive game? Christopher "Chris" Wilton: Did anyone ever ...
Ara Parseghian: What's your problem, O'Hare, what's your problem? Jamie O'Hara: Last practice of the season and this asshole thinks it's the Super Bowl! Ara Parseghian: You just summed up your entire sorry career here in one sentence! If you had a te...
Skinner: I want you to work up something for my latest frozen food concept: Gusteau's Corn Puppies. They're like corn dogs, only smaller. Bite size. Francois: What are corn dogs? Skinner: Cheap sausages dipped in batter and deep fried. You know, Amer...
Nathan Landau: On this bridge on which so many great Americans writers stood and reached out for words to give America its voice... looking toward the land that gave them Whitman... from its Eastern edge dreamt his country's future and gave it words....
Technician: [presenting Hawking with the speech-generating device] Welcome to the future. Stephen Hawking: [speaks for the first time] My name is Stephen Hawking... Jane Hawking: [astonished] It's American! Technician: Is that a problem? Jane Hawking...
Columbus: Hey, for fuck's sake, enough already! We are being chased by ravenous freaks. Like we don't have enough problems. Oh, they stole my hummer. Oh, we have trust issues. Well get over it! We can't just fucking drive down the road playing I Spy ...
[first lines] Jane Burnham: I need a father who's a role model, not some horny geek-boy who's gonna spray his shorts whenever I bring a girlfriend home from school. What a lame-o. Someone really should just put him out of his misery. Ricky Fitts: Wan...
Debbie Dunham: Is that tuck and roll? Terry Fields: Yeah! Debbie Dunham: That's bitchin' tuck and roll! You know, I really love the feel of tuck and roll upholstery. Terry Fields: You do? Debbie Dunham: Yeah. Terry Fields: Yeah? Well, get in and I'll...
Carol: [John turns off the radio] Why did you do that? John Milner: I don't like that surfin' shit. Rock and roll's been going down hill ever since Buddy Holly died. Carol: Don't you think the Beach Boys are boss? John Milner: You would, you grungy l...
Terry Fields: Pardon me, sir, but I lost my I.D. in... in a flood and I'd like to get some Old Harper, hard stuff. Would you mind buying a bottle for me? Bum at Liquor Store: Why certainly! I lost my wife, too - her name wasn't Idy, though, and it wa...
Joe: [wearing sunglasses at night with two other members of the Pharoh's gang] Whadaya doin' creep? Curt Henderson: Who, me? Joe: No, I'm talkin' to the other fifty creeps here. You know Gil Gonzales? Curt Henderson: Gil Gonzales? No. No, I don't. Jo...