I don't have a strong interest in history.
History laughs at both the victim and the aggressor.
You absorb 2,000 years of history just by being near the Thames.
Whatever can be noted historically can be found within history.
Love is the whole history of a woman's life, it is but an episode in a man's.
Skepticism is a virtue in history as well as in philosophy.
History is a vast early warning system.
Poetry is the elder sister of history, the mother of language, the ancestress of civilization.
Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.
My major allegiance has been to storytelling, not to history.
I turned pro and won Rookie of the Year on the South African Tour and then it took me two tries at the qualifying school on the European Tour and to get my card and the rest is history.
Today's population of adolescents and young adults is the largest in our nation's history.
The greatest honor history can bestow is that of peacemaker.
History is a facsimile of events held together by finally biographical information.
Oh, do not read history, for that I know must be false.
History is a relay of revolutions.
I've always enjoyed reading history, particularly presidential biographies.
Look at history. It's not the account of a species at peace.
The Bible, for all its riches, is not a document of social history.
Let's not forget that the Paralympics, just like the Olympics, are built on a rich history.
This is a Disney animated feature; it's eternal, it's history. What's there to think about'