Congress is unable to do the work of the American people because too many politicians believe that compromise means capitulation.
Although black and white Americans live, work, and learn together now, there is still injustice in America.
We need to continue investing in the programs that put Americans back to work in communities like Clark County.
A lot of American actors I work with are in character all day long. You can't talk to them. It's Method and the whole thing.
We have work to do, and Tuesday Americans sent Washington a clear message - get the job done.
American churches work very hard at reaching out to people to bring them in.
I think there is a long exploration in American drama of women in particular who, by force of circumstances or because they are predisposed to, choose fantasy over reality.
You need mentors, people with that desire to support women and the vision to have more. We have that in Anglo American in a big way.
The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant and bewildered unhappiness.
Black women have always been these vixens, these animalistic erotic women. Why can't we just be the sexy American girl next door?
Chinese women are much more modest than American women when it comes to clothes. We tend to show less flesh.
I'm not sure Americans are hesitant to do this again - to fight another war, because it looked to them like a courageous and terrific endeavor.
People didn't have the political guts to stand up against an American war.
And we broadcast tapes sent to us from Americans against the war. These were most effective I believe.
I got interested in the American culture war back in 2004, and it's one of the only growth stocks I've ever invested in.
Since the civil war in Laos was resumed in earnest in 1963, American participation has been veiled in secrecy.
The American escalation of the war in Laos provoked a response by the Communist forces, which now control more of Laos than ever before.
There is no excitement anywhere in the world, short of war, to match the excitement of the American presidential campaign.
Be thankful you're an American as we treat foreigners a lot worse.
Foolish names and foolish faces often appear in public places.
You shouldn't want to be like everyone else. Then you wouldn't be like you.