Inner Knowledge -- You want to become wise in one lesson: First become a real human being.
Caravan of DreamsMediation - Before you learn how to meditate, you must unlearn what you think meditation might be.
Caravan of Dreamsn the face of a true friend a man sees as it were a second self......
Cicero De Amicitia (On Friendship) And Scipio's DreamSaying of the Prophet Love Do you think you love your Creator? Love your fellow-creature first.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Food Nobody has eaten better food than that won by his own labour.
Caravan of DreamsHelping others I order you to assist any oppressed person, whether he is a Moslem or not.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Objects It is your attachment to objects which make you blind and deaf.
Caravan of Dreams