Children are resilient and strong with powerful spirits.
Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.
People with bad consciences always fear the judgment of children.
My philosophy is I'm raising future adults, not children.
I wanted to do something inspirational for my children.
Children are wonderful, and they add to my whole life.
Children are teachers of love.-Dalia Qutob
I always knew I wanted to have children.
We look for meaning and purpose; children bring that.
I have no political ambitions for myself or my children.
You can never spend enough time with children.
I really like children to watch my movies.
It was considered oh, not proper for children to go to the movies.
Once I was able to take care of myself and my children, I then wanted to share.
I mostly want to be friends with my children.
My children are grown now, they are more independent.
The reason the founders chafed at the idea of an American standing army and vested the power of war making in the cumbersome legislature was not to disadvantage us against future enemies, but to disincline us toward war as a general matter... With ci...
The devil goes away and heaven comes to stay.
When the earth is hot, the worm stays in the ground.
Hens perched on top will shit on those below.
You cannot hide the sun with one hand.