A country like America has twice as much food on its shop shelves and in its restaurants than is actually required to feed the American people.
When more Americans prefer freebies to freedom, these great United States will become a fertile ground for tyranny.
The freedom I have as a U.S. citizen is unparalleled. Despite the fact people may not like American passports, having that passport affords me more freedoms than any other passport could.
Most Americans believe that with freedom comes responsibility - and that one measure of responsible gun ownership is a background check. There must be an app for that.
We're giving our freedoms away. The American experiment was about freedom. Freedom to be stupid, freedom to fail, freedom to succeed.
The Internet's distinct configuration may have facilitated anonymous threats, copyright infringement, and cyberattacks, but it has also kindled the flame of freedom in ways that the framers of the American constitution would appreciate - the Federali...
I wish we would all remember that being American is not just about the freedom we have; it is about those who gave it to us.
American movies and music deliver themes of freedom, innocence, and power that appeal to others - partly because America itself was put together out of a multiplicity of national traditions.
It is no longer an unwritten law of American capitalism that industry will attempt to maintain wages at a level that allows a single wage to support a family.
In 1986, when I was 21, I lived in Tokyo for four months, boarding with a Japanese family and working for an American company.
The family ties between hundreds of thousands of German families and their American relatives led many to think that America would never join a second war against Germany.
And whether it is equal pay, health care, Social Security, or family leave, this Congress has refused to address issues critical to hard-working American women.
With 'Arrested Development,' we tried showing the deep disdain that connects a family. We wanted to hold up a mirror to American society. And, just as predicted, America looked away.
Traditional nursing facilities are sterile institutions rather than homes - which is why many Americans do not want to live in one or want this as their only option for themselves or their family members.
Newt correctly assumes that the American public is beginning to look down the road and at least distinguish the landmarks on either side and know where it wants go. We have a chance to lead it there.
I learned that instead of relying on and imitating American music, there is a better chance for an Asian artist to succeed if he or she follows his or her own culture.
I think that humor has become a principle means of communication among Americans about politics.
I'm an American. I'm for prosperity. I've discovered, from 40 years of reporting, that what creates prosperity is limited government.
Our troops are committed to bringing security to Iraq while its government matures. American forces will continue to accomplish their mission with caution, precision and honor with the thanks of a grateful nation.
Let's stop big government energy mandates like cap-and-trade, and instead trust the American innovator to make us energy independent.
Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans would prefer that the government does it to somebody else. This is the idea behind foreign policy.