Natural gas is the best transportation fuel. It's better than gasoline or diesel. It's cleaner, it's cheaper, and it's domestic. Natural gas is 97 percent domestic fuel, North America.
Generally students are the best vehicles for passing on ideas, for their thoughts are plastic and can be molded and they can adjust the ideas of old men to the shape of reality as they find it in villages and hills of China or in ghettos and suburbs ...
I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future.
I have to be the only person in America who had a doctor say to him, 'Please don't put any more surgical gloves on your head and inflate them.'
Romney economics would spell disaster for America's middle class. In this economy there are shipbuilders and ship wreckers.
That should be our test regarding immigrants. Those who come to America to tear it down or live off of others should not be welcomed.
The prize for ultimate inefficiency goes to America. We have built in so many checks and balances that our 'leaders' are the most thoroughly hogtied of any on Earth.
America faces a fundamental choice: either the blessings of liberty or the servitude of liberalism. In the political struggle for survival, one or the other is headed for extinction.
In Russia, writers with serious grievances are arrested, while in America they are merely featured on television talk shows, where all that is arrested is their development.
I believe strongly in writing groups such as Romance Writers Of America that offer support, information and networking.
Wojtyla was a warrior, who did more to end the Soviet Union than even America.
When I first arrived in America, the very first place I came was California, and I rented a house in Trance, which is about half an hour from Malibu.
The problem with liberal Protestantism in America is not that it has not been orthodox enough, but that it has lost a lot of religious substance.
The American story is a story of immigration. I would be the last person who would say immigrants are not important to America.
Every technological advance we've made in the 21st century and throughout the 20th has come from the United States of America.
There is nothing in the genius of America more precious today than the spirit of religious and political tolerance in its application to our own people.
Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) has called for an audit of the Pentagon, so that we finally have some transparency and accountability in how DOD spends taxpayer dollars.
America was founded on Christians not trusting each other, and they sometimes seemed more willing to reach out to the godless than to someone from another sect.
Whereas European films have traditionally been able to go into adult relationships. I think there's a huge audience in America for those kinds of films.
Young people deserve stable employment opportunities and not mountains of debt. When young people can access the middle class, America is strengthened.
America has a rap sheet. You can't police the world and tell the world how to act when you're just as bad yourself.