It's been amazing getting to go from city to city and perform for thousands of people. It's an amazing feeling, and the energy is crazy.
I've had an incredible life with a lot of triumphs, my share of heartbreak, and some pretty amazing experiences.
Feelings make our life amazing, how is for everyone different!
Like most people my age, my job is the main focus of my life. I don't have some kind of jet-setting fabulous lifestyle where I'm constantly in situations to acquire amazing anecdotes, that's it.
When Tom Ford asked me to consult for Gucci, I had never consulted in my life. I didn't know what consulting was, and look, we made something amazing.
I've had four amazing men in my life, very strong, powerful, wonderful men. I certainly will have a relationship with someone but I don't think I will get married again.
So I won an Oscar. It's amazing. I've got that for the rest of my life for a performance I am proud of. It nearly killed me. I am really proud of the film. That's it, moving on.
Everything has combined to make my life in New York an amazing experience. I told my manager a few years ago that I wanted to move here and try acting in the theater.
When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
Since I was a kid, music has been a huge part of my life. My parents had a pretty solid vinyl collection and exposed me to some amazing artists.
It's amazing how quickly nature consumes human places after we turn our backs on them. Life is a hungry thing.
It’s amazing how long we put up with things we detest for the sake of a quiet life.
Andrew Largeman: It's amazing how much of my life has been determined by a quarter inch piece of plastic.
I only sing in the shower. I would join a choir, but I don’t think my bathtub can hold that many people.
A cat purring on your lap while you sip hot tea, is there anything better? Oh, and you’re floating in a zero gravity environment.
I saw something scary. It was a boy, asking me what I’m doing naked in his father’s fridge. Dinner party’s over.
I want to move to Hollywood and audition for parts just so I can say, “I’m not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Dear 30 years old, why are you stalking me? Please leave me alone or I’ll be forced to alert the authorities.
You can’t become a famous garage band if you never perform outside your garage. That’s why my band plays in my driveway.
I watch basketball like I watch baseball: I don’t. I’d much rather watch grass grow. Actually, golf isn’t that bad.
She probably thinks I have the clothes of a millionaire. And I do, but they’re still on his body, which is still in the trunk of my car.