Das Mädchen […] hatte wasserblaue Augen, die so klar waren, als hätten sie noch nie im Leben Leid oder Schrecken gesehen. Und dennoch spiegelte sich darin auch Härte. , hätte Summer sie am liebsten gefragt.
Awakening is a different name for raising one's frequency. It is about becoming more aware of different perspectives, from which you may choose whatever you resonate with.
You do not have to be so serious about everything and everyone. Trust yourself. Trust your own guidance and do not take everyone's 'interesting opinions' so personally.
We always stay on the optimal path, when we practice the power of allowance. Allow everything to happen the way it does. Respond to everything with love and understanding.
I was thinking, "So, I’m Emperor, am I? What nonsense! But at least I'll be able to make people read my books now.
I’ll start a threesome factory that also makes sex trees. How else am I supposed to grow coffee?
I feel bare. I didn't realize I wore my secrets as armor until they were gone and now everyone sees me as I really am.
Am I too late?" Caleb asked as he joined them. "Did he do something stupid?" "Yeah. On both counts." Tristan stalked past Nick.
Se spune că oamenii fac multe greșeli din dragoste, încât ajung, uneori, să-și piardă nu doar capul, ci și viața pentru femeia iubită. Eu am încununat regula cu măiestrie.
I tell myself I’m fine on my own, but am I? No friends to fall back on, no relationships, no support. Left to my own devices, I have no devices.
I’m a nice person. I give money to starving babies and properly tip my hairdresser. Why am I the one everyone tries to kill?
Why is it so sexy when hot guys stare each other down like that? Why do I feel like licking the air? Am I ovulating?
People aren't always who they seem, Detective. Am I anything like you thought?" "No," I admitted. You're a million times better than I could have imagined.
The beginning of Eternity, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, And the end of every place. What am I?
Cartea a dovedit ce poate, și nu vedem un alt obiect mai bun pe care l-am putea crea pentru aceeași întrebuințare.
Why am I letting you comfort me?” He stared over her head. Because I’ve made sure you have no one else to turn to.
I mean, I can understand not being as pricey as Percy or Jason, maybe... but am I worth, like, two Franks, or three Franks?
I just want you to know that I love you with everything I am—a million times a million and to the moon and back.
I believe the Lord has chosen me to spread His word through my words and who am I to question His plans for me?
My gaze lands on the digital clock on my nightstand as it flicks to 12:01 AM. Hours spent in Orane’s world, and one minute has passed in mine.
Winter is coming, warned the Stark words, and truly it had come to them with a vengeance. But it is high summer for House Lannister. So why am I so bloody cold?