There are always wonderful mysteries to confront.
I am and always will be a leader.
Football will always be my foremost passion.
The reluctant hero is always fun to play.
Children always turn to the light.
I will be always grateful to NBC.
We are always searching for a cave to fit in.
A loving heart is always young.
Peace is always loving and tranquil.
In Heaven, it is always Autumn".
A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest.
The Fall will always be yours and mine…
Evil societies always kill their consciences.
In short, Luck's always to blame.
I'm always on the quest for something delicious and healthful.
Always my collections are made of different influences.
In economics, the majority is always wrong.
Auditioning is always so different for different things.
People always grow and mature.
Life is going to unfold as it should because life always does.
I always believe it's better to have 30 imaginations working on a project, rather than one imagination telling the other 29 what to do.