Always in motion are the moments of time.
I've always been into bearded dudes.
Generosity is not always tax deductible.
I've always wanted to be a man for a day.
I'm always trolling for trivia.
Decorating has always been my hobby.
I was always my own person.
I'm not intense at all. I'm always relaxed.
The most successful comics are always the hardest-working ones.
There is always the need to carry on.
I've always got my eye on my deathbed.
I always approach film as a fan.
I've always been a fan of Andy Kaufman.
I'm a Canadian. I've always been a Canadian.
Seeing is not always believing.
Always have a backup plan.
I've always wanted to drive cross-country.
I'll always be Number 1 to myself.
The broken can always be fixed
That's painful always to lose.
The one they always forget is Brad Dexter.