What is true of Mr. Mill's influence on the women's-suffrage question is true also of the other political movements in which he took an active interest.
I feel so gratified about having finished college. I learned how to articulate myself. It gave me confidence more than anything. And also the ability to analyze the text.
I also found child's play - stuff that was not considered serious, but goofy - was the stuff I liked to do, so I still do it as an adult.
Research shows that when we read words on paper, it reduces our stress levels by nearly 70 percent. We also read more carefully than on tablets or laptops.
Mr. Luskin also says that Rove did not knowingly disclose classified information and did not tell any reporters that Valerie Plame worked for the C.I.A.
Beauty is a creature which lives everywhere: Under the ocean, above the clouds, even in the remote deserts! Wherever the ugliness may be on this universe, beauty will also be there giving hope to our lives!
Everything can always be better! To know this is a wit! But if you also know that everything can always be worse and that is wisdom! Wisdom is to see both the lights and the shadows!
A Japanese proverb says fall seven times, stand up eight. We can also say this: Hate zero times, love infinitely!
Jean Paul Sartre says that ‘Hell is other people!’ In the name of completing this sentence we must also say this: ‘Heaven is other people too!
Create a good idea and leave it in the darkness; you will then see that people will come with the candles in their hands to find it, because just like the bad, the good has also a special scent!
When you look at a natural beauty, it also looks at you! Since both the viewer and the viewed are miracles, two miracles look at each other in admiration!
Watching the rain is as beautiful as watching the sunset or the sunrise and it is even better because in addition to watching you can also listen to it, the fantastic music of the drop sounds!
Are you a spiritual teacher? Then first thing you must teach to people is that there is no spirit, there is only mind and body and your mind is also a part of your body!
People promise to stick with their spouse 'for richer or poorer' but it's the 'for poorer' part that causes the worry. The big shock is that the 'for richer' bit can also cause problems.
Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.
People always think that designers hate each other. And we're certainly a competitive lot, but we also enjoy each other's company.
I've never dated. I can say this honestly: I don't know what it's like to date. But also, how am I going to date? I'm not in one state long enough.
In my case, having knocked around at different jobs helped me get a sense of what the world is actually like and also helped me get out of a cocoon.
Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two but can't remember what they are.
There is no doubt that I, also, had long been aware of the problem, i.e. producing X-ray interferences, before the inherent difficulties had finally been surmounted.
The repression of virtuous instinct in the modern world is an incremental tragedy. Repress one instinct, and you repress many; other parts of consciousness go down, also.