A novelist's job is almost to be a stupid as possible, except in the cunning moment when you need to structure something, when you need to be very intelligent indeed. The rest of the time, you need almost an empty mind, where you can let any image in...
The Storms of This Life Watching the distant clouds building and growing forevermore The harsh wind begins rushing thru the leaves with the branches bending to and fro In the attempts to not give in again I'm standing firm on all that I know And exte...
I think I was very lucky that I didn't get well-known until my early thirties. If it had happened when I was younger, you might have seen me falling out of nightclubs. I think I conducted myself as a much better human being because I was already marr...
The goal is not to answer these questions. The goal is to be present to them with all that we are. In a way we are following the poet Rilke's advice when he counseled the young artist, "be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to ...
I was naive in that I thought I could just sing and perform and do what I had always wanted to do all my life. But I wasn't ready for all the added dramas that came along. There were times I fell out of love with music and thought about walking away....
If I'm not writing a book, I'm doing promotion for a book. One thing I love to do is go off with my husband to a great hotel in a beautiful location. I like to find a spot where I can sit and write and look up at beautiful scenery and take breaks alo...
Do not try the parallels in that way: I know that way all along. I have measured that bottomless night, and all the light and all the joy of my life went out there. [Having himself spent a lifetime unsuccessfully trying to prove Euclid's postulate th...
THERE IS A LOVELY LITTLE horror story about the peasant who started through the haunted wood—the wood that was, people said, inhabited by devils who took any mortal who came their way. But the peasant thought, as he walked slowly along: I am a good...
I'm freestylin just on the microphone On the BBC, on the BBC I'm just freestylin on the BBC Um British Broadcasting Company i'm just basically making this shit up as I go along Basically just free Just basically from the top of my dome Sometimes it's...
I am so sorry I do not have enough money to support your expensive obsessions and fancy lifestyle choice. I just love you and I wish I could love you the way you want me to, I am not bitter so smile and go on then be free and wild with the deeper poc...
Offences wreck connections, relational unions, homes and in many cases, offences force people to leave what belong to them. Then again, I recall distinctively that, when the Philistines took the ark of the Lord that belongs to the Israelis, they did ...
Sometimes, you may think you have fallen into an abyss...when in fact, you've just descended to the roots...of the tree of life! Somewhere along your climb, you got lost amongst the branches, and lost in the darkness of the branches, the only way to ...
He carried a pipe in his left hand, and as he examined Will at his leisure, he exhaled sending a cloud of sweet-smelling, cough-induced smoke. 'Finally broke down and admitted you're in love with me, have you?'He inquired of Will. 'I do enjoy these s...
Christmas was a response of the choice of mankind to take its existence into its own hands and chart its own course, liberally scripting its own ethics, crafting its own moral system, and choosing to believe that it was the creator and therefore mast...
Years later, my wife, Ilusion, woke me up to the realization that you can't just "dump" your whole species simply because you've had a few bad encounters with some of its members. ... Intimacy's a greater goal to seek. ...That true knowledge of intim...
The blood dried on his good hand, he passed his palm over her hair. It curled about his wrist and sprung back into displace as the breeze fluttered by. In the firelight, it was golden like the dandelions of which she’d spoken. The ones that had gro...
The best thing to do is to loosen my grip on my pen and let it go wandering about until it finds an entrance. There must be one – everything depends on the circumstances, a rule applicable as much to literary style as to life. Each word tugs anothe...
he best thing to do is to loosen my grip on my pen and let it go wandering about until it finds an entrance. There must be one – everything depends on the circumstances, a rule applicable as much to literary style as to life. Each word tugs another...
The knowledge we need, we are predisposed to seeking, intuitively. A fool does not know, what to do with importance, how to gauge importance, but they readily seek influence. The corrupt didn't find the expanse of life giving thought, because their s...
Elvis came along when I was 10. My father gave me a bass ukulele. I taught myself how to play from a book to play some chords, so I was laying down 'Hound Dog' and things like that when I was 10 years old in 1955. That's the way I was. My ear was glu...
Producing a series is like being Lewis and Clark: You know where you're going, you just don't know how you're going to get there. When people say, 'You should create a bible for your show,' I say, 'You don't want a bible. It'll prevent you from makin...