[At the graduation ball, Enid watches a loner classmate eating a slice of cake by himself] Enid: God, just think, we'll never see Dennis again. Rebecca: [shrugs] Good. Enid: No, really think about that. It's actually totally depressing.
Bill: He ain't earned a death! He ain't a death at my hands! No, he'll walk amongst you marked with shame, a freak worthy of Barnum's Museum of Wonders. God's only man, spared by the Butcher.
Jesus: In the desert, the baptist warned us, God is coming. Well, I'm telling you it's too late! He's already here. I'm here! And I'm going to baptize everybody... with fire!
Major General Gunther Blumentritt: [in German] This is history. We are living an historical moment. We are going to lose the war because our glorious Führer has taken a sleeping pill and is not to be awakened. Sometimes I wonder which side God is on...
Adult Pi Patel: So which story do you prefer? Writer: The one with the tiger. That's the better story. Adult Pi Patel: Thank you. And so it goes with God. Writer: [smiles] It's an amazing story.
Adult Pi Patel: What has mamaji already told you? Writer: He said you had a story that would make me believe in God. Adult Pi Patel: [laughs] He would say that about a nice meal.
Pi Patel: I can eat the biscuits, but God made tigers carnivorous, so I must learn to catch fish. If I don't, I'm afraid his last meal would be a skinny vegetarian boy.
Yuri Orlov: I now shared even more in common with the leader of that country God seemed to have forsaken. We saw something in each other neither one of us liked, or maybe we were just looking in the mirror.
John Oldman: Bathing was the style until the Middle Ages, and the church told us it was sinful to wash away God's dirt. So people were sewn into their underwear in October, and they popped out in April.
Earl Partridge: I loved her so. She knew what I did. She knew all the fucking stupid things I'd done. But the love... was stronger than anything you can think of. God damn regret!
Yale: You are so self-righteous, you know. I mean we're just people. We're just human beings, you know? You think you're God. Isaac Davis: I... I gotta model myself after someone.
Isaac Davis: Plus I'll probably have to give my parents less money. It'll kill my father. He's not gonna be able to get as good a seat in the synagogue. He'll be in the back, away from God, far from the action.
Chloe Hewett Wilton: Chris's Dad was a bit of a religious fanatic. Christopher "Chris" Wilton: After he lost both his legs, he found Jesus. Tom Hewett: God... Sorry, but it just doesn't seem like a fair trade.
Duke Forrest: Dammit, Henry, Frank Burns is a menace! Every time a patient croaks on him he says it's "God's will" or somebody else's fault. Hawkeye Pierce: Yeah, and this time he blamed it on some kid who was stupid enough to belive him.
Diana Christensen: By tomorrow, he'll have a 50 share, maybe even a 60. Howard Beale is processed instant God, and right now, it looks like he may just go over bigger than Mary Tyler Moore.
O'Dell: God's honest truth, Homer. What are the chances... a bunch of kids from Coalwood... actually winning the national science fair? Homer: A million to one, O'Dell. O'Dell: That good? Well, why didn't you say so?
Rhah: Elias didn't ask you to fight his battles for him. And if there's a heaven, and, God, I hope there is, I know he's sitting up there drunk as a fucking monkey and smoking shit, 'cause he done left his pains down here.
Jigo: Give the head back now? Come on, boy. Don't be silly. Now, when the sun's about to come up? Look! He's a brainless, life-sucking god of death. At sunrise he'll vanish like a bad dream.
Wailing Woman: Why did I do it? Why did I do it? Why did I do it? Halina: She's getting on my nerves. What did she do, for God's sake? Father: She smothered her baby.
Blain: Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me. Poncho: [holds up his grenade launcher] Yeah, strap this on your "sore ass", Blain.
Omar: This were the old way, this says "six Kadan height - " Indiana: About seventy-two inches. Omar: Wait! [turns medallion over] Omar: "And take back one Kadan, to honor the Hebrew God whose ark this is."