Stop worrying about someone taking your spot. God already have it reserved. Do the work to get there and fill it!
Good God, I have taken leave of my senses. I never thank Delalieu. I've likely given the poor man a heart attack.
When you mature in your relationship with God you realize how suffering and patience are like eating your spiritual vegetables.
I swear to hold my tongue about it till the end of your worship's days, and God grant I may be able to let it out tomorrow
Ah, God, it's barbaric, however you look at it,' he told Ruth. 'What, cremation?' she asked. 'Death.
You know you have received the invitation when your heart is ready to risk everything to hold the hand of God.
All men are mad in some way or another, and inasmuch as you deal discreetly with your madmen, so deal with God's madmen too, the rest of the world.
Choices will continually be necessary and -- let us not forget -- possible. Obedience to God is always possible. It is a deadly error to fall into the notion that when feelings are extremely strong we can do nothing but act on them.
Healing comes by faith. Faith is destroyed by doubt. If you doubt whether God wants people to be healed, you won’t see them healed.
True humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself exactly the way God thinks of you; not more and not less.
Brenda, do you know God loves you? He really does. To Him, you're perfect, absolutely perfect. You always have been.
The years are going by us like huge birds, whom Doom and Destiny and the schemes of God have frightened up out of some old gray marsh.
Prayer is not simply a soliloquy, a mere exercise in therapeutic self-analysis, or a religious recitation. Prayer is discourse with the personal God Himself.
God loves us so much that he doesn’t let us live forever so we can stop making mistakes
But really, why should you distress yourself? Whoever stirs up the past — out with his eye! Who is not a sinner before God and to blame before the Tsar, as the saying is?
God plants our spiritual giftings deep, so it will take years to claim them, but that gives Him time to refine His message in our hearts.
I can always pray to God with confidence because my righteous state is a gift given through grace in faith on the cross by Jesus!
The Holy Spirit builds on the smooth ground of humility. That's why God will tear you down in order to build you back up.
God's love grounds me while His mystery confounds me. He is a personal yet all-powerful; in me yet around me; creates me yet dies for me.
Getting to a place where we realize that we have nothing and can achieve nothing without God enables us to rely solely on Him for everything!
We could never muster the strength to make lasting changes in our lives. That's why we must rely on God's strength to transform us.