You can't control all the crazy stuff that happens to you. All you can control is the way you handle it.
One company can serve some of your needs all of the time, or all of your needs some of the time, but never both.
And all who told it added something new, and all who heard it, made enlargements too.
A lot of directors in television have come up through the technical ranks. They have all the technical skills in the world. They're not all that familiar with actors.
Self-will in the man who does not reckon wisely is by itself the weakest of all things.
It is possible to be different and still be all right. There can be two - or more - answers to the same question, and all can be right.
Look, the president can discharge all 93 U.S. attorneys for no reason at all, but not for a bad reason.
All people have at least their own one theory of an ideal life, but not that which is ideally acceptable to one and all.
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
In high school, it was all about popularity, being with the boyfriend and all the girls thinking he's cute.
There's absolutely no reason at all that physicians, scientists, shouldn't be involved in things that affect all of us.
Our relationships, relationships between adults, how all those pieces fit together - that's the most complicated thing we all face.
The ultimate paradox, of course, is that even though we're all going to die, we've all got to live in the meantime…
I think everyone knows how much of a joint effort being in politics is. It requires all kinds of sacrifices and all kinds of support.
What we really need to be understanding is that all of these things matter and they all stem from the fact that certain people live with power and authority and they want to maintain it.
I don't dream at night, I dream at day, I dream all day; I'm dreaming for living.
If you’re giving to get, all you’ll receive is disappointment. But if you’re giving to give, all you’ll receive is joy.
The classical writers... playwrights, Jacobean, Elizabethan playwrights, all showed areas of all classes and how they live and painted them pretty authentically.
I just want to kick these boots off and make trouble all night
All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous.
We are all seekers in some way. There are those of us who think they have all the answers and there are those of us who may never get an answer.