Well, as you know, there are 24 hours in every day. And if that's not enough, you've always got the nights!
Every day, we've got to do something physical. It's mind, body and spirit.
The days on which one has been the most inquisitive are among the days on which one has been happiest.
Three times as many people watch Fox every day as watch CNN.
It's different cultures that make the world go 'round at the end of the day.
Labor Day is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race or nation.
Valentine's day without your love is like a year without the Internet.
Can I go one day without somebody saying something negative about me?
When I make an error, it's a very bad day in my house.
Write yourself a permission slip to be surprised by someone's potential. Who knows? One day that person could be you.
I like writing songs - I keep saying that one day I'll do something with them, but I haven't yet.
My boyfriend thinks it's crazy that I wear a different bikini every day on holiday.
Each day is what you make it, so why not make it the best day ever
The day I go out there and don't want to win is the day I will give up.
One day they'll realize they lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones.
Books are as dark as what is available to teenagers through the media every day.
Too many security officers live day to day. They just want to be treated with dignity.
I don't do anything the same every day. Discipline is tough for a guy who is a rebel.
Kindness is the way you live your life every day.
Compassion is the way you live your life every day.
Compassion is a verb...It is the way you live your life every day.