We just sent our condolences to the President of the United States and the American people on what is a terrible, terrible tragedy.
Let it be immediately added, however, that this economic independence and prosperity has always been absolutely associated in the American mind with free political institutions.
When Jefferson and the Republicans rallied to the Union and to the existing Federalist organization, the fabric of traditional American democracy was almost completely woven.
Americans need accurate information in order to consider Social Security reform. Too bad the media can't be counted upon to provide it.
Children today will grow up taking for granted that an African-American or a woman can, yes, become the president of the United States.
Because Lincoln is so closely identified with what it is to be American, everyone wants to claim him, to rewrite his story to satisfy their own particular needs.
No greater nor more affectionate honor can be conferred on an American than to have a public school named after him.
Leadership cannot be created synthetically. Men must be what they were made by the Almighty or the American people will find them out in time.
America deserves common sense immigration reform that reflects our interests and our values as Americans.
Chinese buildings are like American buildings, with big footprints. People don't care about daylight or fresh air.
It's a complex fate, being an American, and one of the responsibilities it entails is fighting against a superstitious valuation of Europe.
The American foreign policy trauma of the sixties and seventies was caused by applying valid principles to unsuitable conditions.
I was a beginner again. I practiced hard and used to listen very closely to recordings of American jazz drummers such as Tony Williams and Kenny Clarke.
There are thousands of capable Americans who would pursue a degree in nursing if we had room in our schools for them.
A large majority of Americans believe that corporations exert too much influence on our daily lives and our political process.
The game is just, everybody talks about baseball, but I really think football probably has a little bit more American feeling than anything.
Americans have an expectation that the Postal Service will abide by its well-known, although unofficial, motto - a commitment to deliver.
It's a sad day for American Capitalism when a man can't fly a midget on a kite over central park.
I cannot believe that the American people and the people they elected would use the Constitution to stifle any group's rights.
Americans were told repeatedly by President Bush and Vice President Cheney that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found.
The American woman is a charming creature. She is of a type most unusual and delightful... And their feet and ankles are the most perfect in the world.