I've lost my mind," Alex muttered, grabbing her knives again and stomping back across the kitchen. "I woke up this morning a boring little chef on planet earth, and somehow ended up in the Twilight Zone as a third-rate stand-in for Buffy the Vampire ...
She's fine," said Declan, defensive. "You're fine, right?" She gave him a look. "Peachy." "See? Both Alex and her astounding wit have made it here intact. Her sense of humour seems to be M.I.A, but I'm pretty sure that was a pre-existing condition.
You can't tell me you're not cold in those shorts." "Freezing," she admitted, handing Alex her messenger bag as she got to her feet. "But dammit, I look cute and we both know that's what counts." "Naturally.
...when a wife wouldn't testify, little punishment was meted out. Alex came to understand that only those who pressed charges ever became truly free, because the life they were leading was a prison, even if most of them wouldn't admit it.
I'm not stupid," I muttered lamely. "Well, why else would you tell Alex to go anywhere? What will we do for eye candy now? Were you thinking of Nate at all? Were you thinking of me? I think you're incredibly selfish, Lila.
Clair smiled, “I don’t sing, and besides, shower singing is meant only for the person taking the shower.” Alex walked into the bathroom and stood beside the tub. “So does that mean if I were to join you, you’d sing to me?” “Maybe,” sh...
I don’t need a big house to raise a family, I only need you.” Alex smiled, kissing her on the forehead. “Well, why didn’t you tell me that to start with? We could have saved a lot of money,” he teased.
Alex understood such discipline. He knew the rarity of it, and the cost. And on the rare occasions when he happened to touch her, he did wonder what else she might have been, if she had not been so determined to be typical.
I am very happy that I have great fans. What I can tell them is they must work on themselves; they should just have fun at what they do. I wish them well with everything, and if they really enjoy what they do, then I think they can go a long way. I w...
When you spend a lot of money on one player, you want him to prove himself, but the way football works, one day you can be good, the next you can be bad, and the next after that, you can be very bad. I have come to Manchester City to work very hard a...
When one guy undermines the other, it only causes trouble, and the team isn't successful. It's very important for both of us to accept our role and help the team. One guy can get hot, and if that's Alex, I'll support him and help any way I can.
Conspirator: Do you still feel suicidal? Alex: Well, put it this way, I feel very low in myself. I can't see much in the future, and I feel that any second something terrible is going to happen to me. [slumps into spaghetti]
Alex: Suddenly, I viddied what I had to do, and what I had wanted to do, and that was to do myself in; to snuff it, to blast off for ever out of this wicked, cruel world. One moment of pain perhaps and, then, sleep for ever, and ever and ever.
Chief Guard Barnes: Are you able to see the white line painted on the floor directly behind you, Six-Double-Five-Three-Two-One? Alex: Yes, sir. Chief Guard Barnes: Then your toes belong on the *other* side of it!
[in Russian, referring to why Augustine never buried her ring] Lista: In case someone should come searching one day. Alex: So they would have something to find. Lista: No, it does not exist for you. You exist for it. You have come because it exists.
John Ballantine: That Freud stuff's a bunch of hooey. Dr. Alex Brulov: Oh, you are a fine one to talk! You have a guilt complex and amnesia and you don't know if you are coming or going from somewhere, but Freud is hooey! *This* you know! Hmph! Wiseg...
Erik Lehnsherr: Hank has been busy. Alex Summers: Do we really have to wear these? Professor Charles Xavier: As none of us mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up.
...everyone's too busy having a good time to care about anyone else." "This sucks," Alex said sullenly. "If someone murders you and you get revived and come back to wreak vengeance on your killers, they could at least have the decency to notice you.
The music had ceased. Alex walked over to the gramophone, wound it up again, and put on more blues, a woman singing this time, gay and sad at once, like a stranded angel who had traded holiness for humanity but remembered what it used to be like to k...
Infants never learn to soothe themselves to sleep. They learn, abandoned in seclusion, that no matter the volume of their despondence, no matter the force of their tears, when they are alone and frightened, no-one will ever come to their rescue. Infa...
Strong hands slipped over her shoulders as Alex joined us, standing so close, I could feel his body heat radiating up my back….He squeezed my shoulders a little hard for it to be a show of solidarity. I’d probably have bruises. He was marking his...