Wilier races had interbred with human race during immemorial. Therefore no need to look for them on anywhere but in ourselves.
Many people pray to be kept out of unexpected problems. Some people pray to be able to confront and overcome them.
Incurable diseases will eventually force mankind to justify disruptive nanotech and genetic engineering.
You can't do clear observation if you ain't in the field. You can't be a pure observer if you're now in the field.
Al Davis has been the biggest influence in my professional football life. I mean, he was a guy that gave me an opportunity, one, to get into professional football in 1967 as an assistant coach, and then at the age of 32, giving me the opportunity to ...
Grease and starch just always win over protein. In food as in so many things. Look around you, that's what our whole country is based on. It's amazing that Michael Jordan can be an iconic figure because he's basically just protein.
If there is an art of living, it is not something that can be taught timelessly. We have lessons to learn from Aristotle et al, for sure, but not if we simply uproot them from their epoch and stamp them into 21st-century soil.
Das Mädchen […] hatte wasserblaue Augen, die so klar waren, als hätten sie noch nie im Leben Leid oder Schrecken gesehen. Und dennoch spiegelte sich darin auch Härte. , hätte Summer sie am liebsten gefragt.
Oh che sanguinosa e spaziosa porta Fa l'una e l'altra spada ovunque giugna, Nell'arme e nelle carni! E se la vita Non esce, sdegno tienla al petto unita.
Actul sexual fără substratul pasiunii copleşitoare este o terfelire şi trupească şi sufletească de care trebuie să te ruşinezi în faţa oamenilor şi, mai ales a conştiinţei tale.
Y hay que ver, esos libros sobre el duelo son una mierda, todos iguales, una porquería total al cien por cien.
No, mi dicevo, non può essere bello un mondo dove le paure e gli entusiasmi spaventano i più, tesi come sono al risparmio di sé e dei propri sentimenti.
Me abrumó la soledad que desprendía su persona y, a un tiempo, creí ver en su interior un abismo infinito al que no podía evitar asomarme.
Ellos (Los Auténticos) creen que los objetos generan miedo. Cuantas más cosas tienes más tienes que temer. Al final sólo vives para tener cosas.
Nunca podré expresar el impacto que experimenté al abrir la puerta: era arrancar tu propia tumba para desembocar en el misterio.
Il mondo è davvero pieno di pericoli, e vi sono molti posti oscuri; ma si trovano ancora delle cose belle, e nonostante che l’amore sia ovunque mescolato al dolore, esso cresce forse più forte.
He was her father after all. True, a father whose funeral rite she planned to dance at and toast with ale, but her father just the same.
Is this what it's like? he wondered. When you're about to die? One hand stretched back to someone who cares for you, the other reaching for a place you can't see.
Amar es ponerse al cuello el nudo corredizo de la ilusión; adorar a alguien mientras pareces asfixiarte. Pero incluso el amor no correspondido, el amor fugaz, es mejor que nada.
His last name was Worthless. Or was that just the perfect word to describe him? Shouldn’t our names summarize who we are? If so, I want to be called Al Auttalovetogive.
Ach, wie ich sie umfing, wie ich in ihre Arme stürzte, mit welch verzweiflungsvoller Inbrunst ich in ihrem Fleisch wühlte, als könnte ich in ihrem Leibe das Geheimnis ihrer Seele schlürfen.