Shaykha Sultana al-Zubaydiyya Shaykha Sultana al-Zubaydiyya, famous scholar and saint, was the dauther of 'Ali al-Zubaydi, a man belonging to the martial Zubaydi clan of the tribe of Bani Haritha, itself an offshoot of the major tribe of Kinda, one o...
Ha de decirse que para el científico, como convicción primigenia e indecible, hay una línea divisoria muy nítida entre la realidad del mundo que sucede y acaece con total prescindencia de lo que pueda hacerse o moldearse, y la realidad del mundo ...
la culpa era de su ceguera de progenitor, la misma, (...) que nos impide ver que nuestros hijos, al fin y al cabo, son tan buenos o tan malos como los demás
Ein Individuum, das sich nicht in einen bürgerlichen Zustand zwingen [lässt], [kann] den Segnungen des Begriffs „Person“ nicht teilhaftig werden.
Cuando una persona se configura para expresarse en 140 caracteres, cuando se habitúa al dicterio o al insulto, pierde capacidad para la argumentación, que es la médula del pensamiento.
Sin embargo, aunque muertos viviremos en un pequeño rincón de vuestra felicidad, porque por esa felicidad hemos dado nuestra vida.
Pues el deber humano no termina con esta lucha y ser hombre exigirá, también en el futuro, un corazón heroico, hasta que los hombres sean completamente hombres.
Judentum ist wie ein intensives Färbemittel; die geringste Quantität reicht hin, um einer unvergleichlich größeren Masse seinen Charakter zu geben oder wenigstens Spuren davon.
Aquello está sobre las brasas de la tierra, en la mera boca del infierno. Con decirle que muchos de los que allí se mueren al llegar al infierno regresan por su cobija.
Most young comedians would be lying to say that they weren't huge Weird Al fans when they were kids. Weird Al is probably the first person I ever realized had a career that was just making jokes.
After America won the Cold War, some believed we had come to the 'end of history,' and budget-cutters celebrated the so-called 'peace dividend.' As a result, we ignored the toxic mixture of militant Islam and terror that ultimately led to 9/11.
The international media concentrates on the famous, the big names. Al Jazeera goes to the margins, investigates stories that are still developing and in the future become very big. Why did the Arabic world love Al Jazeera? Everybody felt he was repre...
I wouldn't be able to act like Al Pacino or play the piano like Dr. John, But I could probably act better than Dr. John and play the piano better than Al Pacino.
Ed: You're a musician? Fred Madison: Yeah. Al: What's your axe? Fred Madison: Tenor. Tenor saxophone. Do you... Al: [shakes his head and point at his ear] Tone deaf.
I did very extensive diligence on Al Jazeera English, the network from which Al Jazeera America is going to be derived, and it's really very clear that they have long since established a reputation for excellence and integrity and objectivity.
La revolución beneficia al pobre, al ignorante, al que toda su vida ha sido esclavo, a los infelices que ni siquiera saben que si lo son es porque el rico convierte en oro las lágrimas, el sudor y la sangre de los pobres. || The revolution benefits...
Cum, cine sunt? Sunt eu, traiesc; si traiesc asta, si merg cu 90 de kilometri pe ora in localitate, cu 110 pe drumurile nationale, cu 130 pe autostrazi, cu 600 pe ora in capul meu, cu 3 pe ora in corpul meu, conform tuturor legilor jandarmeriei rutie...
Plainview: What's this? Why don't I own this? Why don't I own this? Al Rose: That's the Bandy tract. He was the holdout, when we were doing the buying? He had hoped to speak with you. Can't you just build the pipeline around this tract? Plainview: Ca...
He's sitting in the catbird seat.
—NOTA DEL CARTERO— Carta recibida por: Leire Castellán. La abrió sonriendo al leer su nombre. Al leer la segunda línea el alma se le partió en mil pedazos. La carta también, porque limpió sus lágrimas.
There is a very deep conviction in the heart of the people who work in al-Jazeera that if it changes its editorial line, it will very quickly lose its audience. Al-Jazeera has its own style; it has more than 3,500 employees, and I don't think anyone ...