Als je stilstaat kan niemand zien dat je verloren gelopen bent.
We advised them to do what they think proper against the war.
Ask a burning question, get a burning answer
El amor precede al conocimiento, y éste mata a aquél.
Genie währt länger als Schönheit.
Liebe macht nicht blind. Der Liebende sieht nur weit mehr als da ist.
Computer modelling for weather forecasting, and indeed for climate forecasting, has reached its limits.
Al-Nahda is a movement; it is not just a small party.
I notice a difference from the moment I meditate.
I am about as detailed as a shadow.
Al Qaeda still remains a threat.
Does every Muslim commit terror? Of course not.
There is no such thing as a value trap. There are investing mistakes.
The value of experience is not in seeing much, but in seeing wisely.
Nature is a machine. The family is a machine. The life cycle is like a machine.
Herbalife: the customers are fictitious, the business opportunity is a scam, the university degree is a fraud.
There's something to be said for giving and helping to change people's lives.
Ikea people do not drive flashy cars or stay at luxury hotels.
Dad sometimes patted me on the knee and called me his Little Schmuck.
Because of my father, we are that Shining City on a Hill.
You don't rehearse jazz to death to get the camera angles.