, a collateral form of (the so-called "holy war"), taken [by Sufis] to mean "earnest striving after the mystical life." The term is based on the Koranic text, "And they that strive earnestly in Our cause, them We surely guide upon Our paths." A Tradi...
Quando tornerai, mi darai una possibilità?" Nascosi la mia sorpresa. "Che vuoi dire?" "È come ho detto. Non mi hai mai voluto, non mi hai mai nemmeno preso in considerazione. I fiori, le attenzioni… ti rimbalzavano addosso. Eri così presa da lui...
The white cat Sal-al was lying on the straw matting in the empty conservatory. She looked at us with a wicked, conceited expression as if all her appetites had just been satisfied. She was beautiful. Vesta and I both said, "I wish I were a cat!" Befo...
Rugi kalau stress, mending kita bekerja keras. Wali kelasku pernah memberi motivasi yang sangat mengena di hati. Katanya, kalau ingin sukses dan berprestasi dalam bidang apa pun, maka lakukanlah dengan prinsip 'saajtahidu fauzq mustawa al-akhar'. Bah...
The groove is so mysterious. We're born with it and we lose it and the world seems to split apart before our eyes into stupid and cool. When we get it back, the world unifies around us, and both stupid and cool fall away. I am grateful to those who a...
Non c'è posto al mondo che io ami più della cucina. Non importa dove si trova, com'è fatta: purchè sia una cucina, un posto dove si fa da mangiare, io sto bene. Se possibile le preferisco funzionali e vissute. Magari con tantissimi strofinacci as...
... respecto al origen del mundo, si es que lo tuvo, no nos queda más remedio que aceptar que nunca sabremos cómo ocurrió y que Dios es una explicación necia que no explica nada pues es tan difícil imaginar la eternidad suya como la de la materi...
El principio de la ciencia es saber que ignoramos. El mundo, que es el lugar donde estamos; la carne, que es lo que somos; el Diablo, que es aquello que deseamos: los tres, en un Momento Culminante, mataron al maestro que íbamos a ser. Y aquel secre...
La sombra se endureció. Oscureció su semblante. Bajó el rostro y la mirada. Cerró los párpados con rabia y dejó de mirar el fuego. Sintió cómo las llamas seguían ardiendo dentro de él. «Huye», se decía, «corre, teme al fuego, pero no im...
An island, on the other hand, is small. There are fewer species, and the competition for survival has never reached anything like the pitch that it does on the mainland. Species are only as tough as they need to be, life is much quieter and more sett...
Definition of a Sufi To learn, people must give up a great deal, and this includes ritual as something from which they imagine they might learn. It is to emphasise this that Abu-Yaqub al-Susi, quoted in Kalabadhi's Taaruf, states that the Sufi is 'On...
El artista no tiene ningún derecho moral para dejarse llevar a un abstracto nivel medio, para hacer que su obra sea más comprensible, más accesible. Esto no acarrearía otra cosa que la decadencia del arte, cuando en realidad esperamos su florecim...
Quando si viene a sapere, o la si vede di persona, della morte di uno di quelli che facevano la guerra accanto a te e che vivevano esattamente alla tua stessa maniera, prima ancora di capire provi un colpo al cuore. È come se d’un tratto venissi a...
porque todo miedo es en el fondo una invocación al acontecimiento que se teme, porque nadie puede temer sin desear de alguna forma que se produzca lo que le atemoriza, y viendo aquel cuerpo que dormía con los ojos ligeramente entreabiertos reconoc�...
Chese now," quod she, "oon of thise thynges tweye: To han me foul and old til that I deye, And be to yow a trewe, humble wyf, And nevere yow displese in al my lyf, Or elles ye wol han me yong and fair, And take youre aventure of the repair That shal ...
Death is around everyone’s corner, people try to run and hide from it, but it al-ways catches up with them. Like a bad scene from a horror movie. Death stalks you like a lion, waiting for just the right moment to attack. You can run but sooner or l...
Oh, Al, shut up! Stop criticizing me! First I'm criticized for being a prude and sounding like a social worker or something, then I'm criticized for looking like a cheap broad. How am I supposed to live? Under the water or something, coming up only t...
A snipit from the PR people: “A British author has revealed how he risked his life to infiltrate the Taliban while researching his new book on religious terrorism. Cal Sarwar came face-to-face with Al-Qaeda chiefs in Pakistan while posing as a terr...
A snipit from the PR people: “A British author has revealed how he risked his life to infiltrate the Taliban while researching his new book on religious terrorism. Cal Sawar came face-to-face with Al-Qaeda chiefs in Pakistan while posing as a terro...
A snipit from my PR people: “A British author has revealed how he risked his life to infiltrate the Taliban while researching his new book on religious terrorism. Cal Sawar came face-to-face with Al-Qaeda chiefs in Pakistan while posing as a terror...
...nicht nur in der Zeit sind wir ausgebreitet. Auch im Raum erstrecken wir uns weit über das hinaus, was sichtbar ist. Wir lassen etwas von uns zurück, wenn wir einen Ort verlassen, wir bleiben dort, obgleich wir wegfahren. Und es gibt Dinge an un...