I don't believe in atheists.
I'm not as cool as I'm supposed to be.
The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers.
Either a war has to be fought, or it doesn't.
Do not be a people without a will of your own saying: If others treat well you will also treat well and if they do wrong we will do wrong; but accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and do not do wrong if they do evil.
De gelijktijdige verfijning van functionele eigenschappen en de sierlijke, niet-functionele eigenschappen is een ontwikkeling die niet exclusief is voor de walkman. Het is de paradox van elk gebruikersvoorwerp. Als je erop let zie je in al onze spull...
Das eigensüchtige Handeln der Akteure wird nicht unbedingt durch eine unsichtbare Hand zum eigenen oder kollektiven Erfolg geführt; was als nützlicher Zug schlau kalkuliert war, kann sich wegen unerwarteter Reaktionen und Nachwirkungen als katastr...
El camino sigue y sigue desde la puerta. El camino ha ido muy lejos, y que otros lo sigan si pueden. Que ellos emprendan un nuevo viaje, pero yo al fin con pies fatigados me volveré a la taberna iluminada, al encuentro del sueño y el reposo.
I have been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). It's a terminal disease with an average lifespan of two to five years post-diagnosis, and scientists don't know what causes it. ALS prevents your brain from talking to your muscles. As a...
Old Tom giggled, "Fooled ya, huh, Ma? We aimed to fool ya, and we done it. Jus' stood there like a hammered sheep. Wisht Grampa'd been here to see. Looked like somebody'd beat ya between the eyes with a sledge. Grampa would a whacked 'imself so hard ...
The economy is like a machine.
I've gone to a tanning bed.
Talking with you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out of body experience.
Tesla is becoming a real car company.
I'm a better polemicist in prose.
Golf is a game of endless failure and frustration.
You always learn lessons in business.
Education is very important, and I understand that.
People just assume that if you're famous, you're in Hollywood.
Leftist reactions are always histrionic.
Never wear anything that panics the cat.