The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.
To be like Christ is to be a Christian.
God can use the jawbone of an ass!
Enemies can also be friends.
My philosophy is to be me.
you are you when you are true
Don’t be proud-you don’t have anything
A path is made by walking on it.
I'm a total people pleaser.
Entire families work for Xerox.
Writing is work and cooking is relaxing.
A writer's work is to witness things.
It is better to imitate ancient than modern work.
People like to work for a winner.
I'd like to work with Damien Hirst.
War hath no fury like a non-combatant.
A war with Pakistan would be an utter disaster.
The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.
Am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward, even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause. The example of great and pure personages is the only thing that can lead us to find ideas and noble deeds. Mone...
Think of Richard Nixon or Jimmy Carter or Billy Graham, or even Albert Einstein, and what will come to your mind is an image, a picture of face, (in Einstein's case, a photograph of a face). Of words, nothing will come to mind. This is the difference...
Lazareff believed that "a journalists first duty is to be read," but Camus felt it was to tell the truth as much as possible, with as much style as possible. Camus saw "Lazareffism" as unacceptable journalism, a mixture of political submissiveness, r...