Everybody in life is a chameleon.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Find patience in the breath of life.
Sports life is very short.
Setbacks are just learning experiences.
Love is the only gold.
Acting truly is a love of mine.
Love is not consolation. It is light.
We pardon to the extent that we love.
Love is not an emotion; it is a drive.
People kill for love. They die for love.
I have a love factor with the minorities.
Marriage: love, honor, and negotiate.
The greatest possession is self-possession.
Sobre a nudez forte da verdade -- o manto diáfono da fantasia.
History is written by the legends.
Her maktul katilinde yaşamaya devam eder.
The past can not be cured.
There is no better high than discovery.
People are rude in general.
Writing is both mask and unveiling.