Don't trust something you don't understand !!
A world of Peace and liberty is my dream
To help others, will be rewarded
Trust me I know this shit, Don't fuck with me!
Art does what reality cannot.
If secrecy is the beginning of tyranny, declassification is its apotheosis.
Redaction marks are the truth dressed in black burqa.
Secret 2591. If you can't assure, obscure.
If you can't be with the √-1 you love, love the √-1 you're with.
If the CIA isn’t a force for truth, what is it good for? (Truth, I mean, not the CIA.)
To not wear anything, and to wear nothing, are not the same.
Secret 89.487. Transparent is the new black.
Give sometimes everything will be alright.
People read me but they don't subscribe.
New York is in my DNA.
[first lines] Juno MacGuff: It started with a chair.
Juno MacGuff: And Paulie is actually great... in chair.
Truth is the glue that holds government together.
I don't want to overthrow the government. I wanna fire 'em.
Elections are held to delude the populace into believing that they are participating in government.
A lot of people in government don't really read books at all.