Fill your life with love and then enjoy.
Life is finite but you're blessed with infinite love.
When fear is the disease, faith and confidences are the medicine.
He who loves, lives longer.
Life is a wave of love in the ocean of time.
The beauty of hope is that it often become a reality.
Life is meaningful when it is dedicated for the wellbeing of others.
To be wise, know yourself.
Be loving but bold, be kind but not cold.
Smile as if you are an angel from heaven.
Never seek permission to be yourself.
It is always better to fail than not to participate.
Failure is not an option, winning or learning are the options.
Be gentle, kind and loving to yourself.
What you want to see, allow it and let it be.
What we dream repeatedly, we become.
For success, be focused, be goal oriented, and be persistent.
A purposeful life is a happy life.
Not the revenge, but the forgiveness, is the attribute of a strong person.
Success is a transformation not a final destination.
To be a success, follow your obsessions obsessively.