Rarely promise, but, if lawful, constantly perform.
The glass is completely full...of shit.
Ça va. Nap time is over.
...Neferet fell smack on her butt.
This was the first of the sorrows of Turin.
At least you died and went to heaven
Civilization is a product of the cerebral cortex.
Time keeps on... slippin'... slippin'... slippin' into the future.
I bow to no beast.
Support Imagination. Read a book.
Focus on the now and kick ass!
sorry, luv, all is far in war/
Unseelie dreams make unseelie fae.
Sometimes... Sometimes our hearts...crack a little.
She was a goddamn unicorn of selfishness.
Past glories are poor feeding.
Handsome is as handsome does
Don't let emotions paralyze you.
Your history is not your future.
Hope is a passion for the possible.