Science always has its origin in the adaptation of thought to some definite field of experience.
The act of birth is the first experience of anxiety, and thus the source and prototype of the affect of anxiety.
Withdrawal of American troops must be a unilateral act, as the invasion of Vietnam by the American government was a unilateral act in the first place.
I don't think that it's up to government to dictate what people should wear.
Faith in reason was the foundation stone of the United States.
At least the fundamentalists haven't tried to dilute their message. Their faith is exposed for what it is for all to see.
It is pretty clear that they are ineffective in stopping the course of thought at present, but they have not always been so in the past and we cannot be sure that they will not be so in the future.
Fernand: Come in Albert, and for God's sake be brief.
Albert Speer: You must be on stage when the curtain falls
In societies that profess some respect for law, suspects are apprehended and brought to fair trial. I stress 'suspects.'
Because I remember, I despair. Because I remember, I have the duty to reject despair.
I like taking a character at the most intense moments of their lives and exploring all that in full and then moving on.
Much of your pain is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Kubrick's vision seemed to be that humans are doomed, whereas Clarke's is that humans are moving on to a better stage of evolution.
Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward.
If Bush and Blair are eventually put on trial for war crimes, I shall not be among those pressing for them to be hanged.
[Uncle Albert had been asked if there is a way to get down from being up in the air] Uncle Albert: There is a way. And frankly, I don't like to think of it, because you have to think of something sad. Mary Poppins: Then do get on with it, please. Unc...
In these writings, and in all my teaching work, I continue to ask the question, “What about the children?
Bert: It reminds me of me brother. He got a nice cushy job at a watch factory. Uncle Albert: At a watch factory? What does he do? Bert: He stands about all day... and makes faces! Uncle Albert: [laughing hysterically] He makes faces in a watch factor...
I can't go on, I'll go on.
There are values of humanity, culture, beauty, community that may require deviations from the cold logic of market theory.