Write as though your life depended on it.
Be my wife, all my life.
Justice is a terrible but necessary thing.
Sleeplessness is a desert without vegetation or inhabitants.
Not knowing is not a problem, not wondering is.
Writing is a team sport.
Dennis Conner is Pete Rose in deck shoes.
Life, relationships and success is not for compromise.
I use the Internet for what it's for: to learn.
Humanities are the instructors of enchantment.
Discipline is remembering what you want.
Overall, people are reading less.
We all possess the need to dream.
My IQ is somewhere between Spiro Agnew's and Albert Einstein's.
El sexo es importante, pero el amor vale más.
The sole/soul purpose of a book is to be read.
Great fiction is the art of a soul.
Everyone is a proponent of strong encryption.
I don't think in terms of projects.
Love is wind for the soul
I never had migraines. Never had migraines.