The pleasures of living is loving!
A whisper of selflessness echos boundlessly.
A library is a hospital for the mind.
The world is a prison for the believer and paradise for a non-believer.
The root of all fear is imagination.
What is birthday, but a celebration of death.
Write as if no one is going to read it.
A man chooses...a slave obeys.
A man choses. A slave obeys.
Trying to be hot, but looking not
Her bluebird of happiness is teal.
Mistake is an event not a person
Fear of mistakes is fear of success
Be Free, The World is Waiting
The purpose creates the machine.
The power of the delete key.
It’s not just dark in Scandinavia.
Politics in America is the binding secular religion.
Properly used, positive reinforcement is extremely powerful.
I have a writing addiction.
Gratitude heals, cleanses and purifies.