Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker.
The other is not outside you but living within you.
Usenet is the last uncensored mass medium.
I'm being invaded by fashion pundits.
Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system.
In the ashes of adversity, lies opportunity.
As a writer, one is busy with archaeology.
Well, I'm a former FBI agent.
One can be a pessimist in thought, but not in action.
Even blind alleys lead somewhere.
Things imagined are as real as things seen.
Only fake tears last forever.
We are alive and in the world and that is beautiful and everything.
Fear is to the mind what sickness is to the body.
When we are bored it is always with ourselves we are bored.
We are changed by the things we try to change.
Change is always trivial compared to what doesn't change.
Beware of that monster called "self-loathing.
Children are the poem made flesh.
Self-doubt inflicts the deepest wounds.
The unsaid rules every conversation.