Essentially, all expressions of human nature ever produced, from a caveman's paintings to Mozart's symphonies and Einstein's view of the universe, emerge from the same source: the relentless dynamic toil of large populations of interconnected neurons...
Hunger and sex still dominate the primitive mammalian side of human existence, but at the present time it looks as if humanity were within sight of their satisfaction. Permanent plenty, no longer a Utopian dream, awaits the arrival of permanent peace...
Americans, we passionately believe, are a humane people. We showed that in restoring wounded economies abroad after World War II, even those of our enemies, Germany and Japan.
After all, what is art? Art is the creative process and it goes through all fields. Einstein’s theory of relativity – now that is a work of art! Einstein was more of an artist in physics than on his violin. Art is this: art is the solution of a p...
Dr. Einstein: At least people in plays act like they've got sense. Mortimer Brewster: Oh, you think so? Did you ever see anybody in a play act like they got any intelligence? Dr. Einstein: [agonizing] How can somebody be so stupid!
Jonathan Brewster: [pulling on surgical gloves] And now doctor... we go to work! Dr. Einstein: No, Johnny. I cannot operate without a drink! Jonathan Brewster: Pull yourself together, doctor! Dr. Einstein: I cannot pull myself together without a drin...
The glass is completely full...of shit.
Ça va. Nap time is over.
...Neferet fell smack on her butt.
This was the first of the sorrows of Turin.
At least you died and went to heaven
Civilization is a product of the cerebral cortex.
Time keeps on... slippin'... slippin'... slippin' into the future.
I bow to no beast.
Support Imagination. Read a book.
Focus on the now and kick ass!
sorry, luv, all is far in war/
Unseelie dreams make unseelie fae.
Sometimes... Sometimes our hearts...crack a little.
She was a goddamn unicorn of selfishness.