The pursuit of the impossible through the useless.
life is fair, truth is faith
No matter where you go, there you are.
There is no Success or Failure in "LOVE", by itself is a Victory !!
Find your truth, live your truth.
We do not create life, we create death.
For others, in spite of myself, from myself.
Chemistry is the dirty part of physics.
Bir roman kadar uzun bu tümce, -Sonra işte yaşlandım.
Another breath, left to translate
In summer the empire of insects spreads.
Poetry is the language of a state of crisis.
Things to do, places to be, people to kill.
My prayer life IS my life.
There is no greater enemy than pride.
Marriage is a science which has studied no one!
Não mudarei o mundo, mas posso iniciar uma mudança.
Guns don't kill people , people kill people
Las oportunidades de hoy borran los fracasos del ayer.
You are who you are, when NO ONE is LOOKING
Hurried reading can never be good reading