No one looks forward to a recount.
Forget math and peotry. Especially poetry.
Love to forget ; hate to remember......
The greatest joy of a Christian is to give joy to Christ.
La prueba de ausencia no es prueba de ausencia
The best client is a scared millionaire.
A well-behaved person is not always well-dressed.
If not you, then who? If not now, when?
Lie to yourself, not to someone else
These are facts, these are not imaginary things.
I don’t know what to do with my future.
In the realm of faith, there is no future tense
In the university of life, failure births experience
Faith is intentional blindness to realities of life
The defeat of the mind is the defeat of self
Chaos isn't good for your health.
Youths are our arrows to the future.
The audacity of my sagacity is instrumentality to my successity.
Passion + Purpose = Prosperity.
You have a life; make a success of it.
Stop existing and start living!