Lands of great discoveries are also lands of great injustices.
He is great enough that is his own master.
Competition among schools is always a great motivator.
Kindness is an everyday byproduct of all the great virtues.
A great mind becomes a great fortune.
Great acts are made up of small deeds.
A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions.
People do not understand what a great revenue economy is.
A great reader seldom recognizes his solitude.
None of the great discoveries was made by a 'specialist' or a 'researcher'.
Great wars can only be fought by great powers.
I can swim I'm not bad, but not great.
I feel great, the prognosis is excellent.
Great ideas originate in the muscles.
I'm not a good guitar player.
Peeves do not make very good pets.
A good nation I will make live.
A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.
Sympathy with nature is part of a good person's religion.
Being too good is apt to be uninteresting.
I guess you're only as good as the waves.