They are superpower of villains. They are superpower of Al Capone.
The jet stream is the controlling influence over the world's weather systems.
People under siege turn to us in complete frustration and I get a chance to go in when it's do or die.
Note, that yeast of good Beer, is better then that of Ale.
When you become a celebrity, the world owns you and your image.
Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke.
There's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq.
No creer en lo sobrenatural es darle ventajas al demonio.
Al Qaeda is closely aligned with the Chechens.
Putin is like Al Capone.
Al Jolson was one of the greatest entertainers who ever lived.
I was crushingly bored talking about politics 30 hours a week.
Als je stilstaat kan niemand zien dat je verloren gelopen bent.
We advised them to do what they think proper against the war.
Ask a burning question, get a burning answer
El amor precede al conocimiento, y éste mata a aquél.
Genie währt länger als Schönheit.
Liebe macht nicht blind. Der Liebende sieht nur weit mehr als da ist.
Computer modelling for weather forecasting, and indeed for climate forecasting, has reached its limits.
Al-Nahda is a movement; it is not just a small party.
I am about as detailed as a shadow.