You will never see as many great women investors or traders as men. Period. End of story.
Vidal Sassoon was the most famous hairstylist in the history of the world.
I have faith in the market when we get the rules right.
I'd rather be respected than loved.
I don't go near the money and the money doesn't go near me.
I don't get caught up in the moment.
Tesla is here to stay and keep fighting for the electric car revolution.
I notice a difference from the moment I meditate.
There is no such thing as a value trap. There are investing mistakes.
Nature is a machine. The family is a machine. The life cycle is like a machine.
Herbalife: the customers are fictitious, the business opportunity is a scam, the university degree is a fraud.
There's something to be said for giving and helping to change people's lives.
Ikea people do not drive flashy cars or stay at luxury hotels.
The Body Shop Foundation is run by our staff and supports social activism and environmental activism. We don't tend to support big agencies.
Financial literacy is just as important in life as the other basics.
I'd always felt like a Canadian living in the U.S.
It isn't as important to buy as cheap as possible as it is to buy at the right time.
There is nothing shameful about being efficient.
I was never afraid to go back to Pittsburgh and work in the steel mills.
Intellectual capital will always trump financial capital.
If I get angry, it's obvious. I don't have to say much.