Witchcraft had once been widely used before cursed by the society. I see today the society presumes technology will have a different treatment.
If we presume that the boundary of the universe is a kind of surrounding wall, then we think like ancestors who thought there's abyss at the edge of flat earth.
Smartass Disciple: Master, I believe that the truth will prevail at the end. Master of Stupidity: No 'the end' for the truth. 'Prevail' is something else.
I'm Chief Executive Officer at Art of the Olympians Museum in Fort Myers, Florida, which was founded by my Mexico City teammate Al Oerter and his wife Cathy in 2005. It shows that Olympians can have another life; we have got art from more than 100 Ol...
For one thing, I don't think art needs to be about suffering; sometimes it really seems like it's only the art about pain that is interpreted as profound, and in my work for years I've really tried to deal with subjects that are substantial, not just...
Die Bilder, die seine lebhafte Schilderung in ihrer Fantasie wachriefen, waren verführerischer als eine Tasse heiße Schokolade nach einem langen Spaziergang im Schnee. Wie konnte er es wagen!?
The Revelation has vindicated the existence of God; and the light of the of the Luminous Form of Muhammad is enough and the most reliable to discover the Truth. The knowledge of the existence of God is the only and the ultimate Truth. of refers to th...
Precisamente "rondar las cosas por el otro lado" es lo que diferencia al poeta del científico o del político, quienes, por el contrario, prefieren tenerlas siempre de frente, muy de frente.
La strega prese l'ostia e la mise controluce, quando la mangiò si appiccicò al palato. Lui le diede il vino. "Qui ci sono i segreti del mondo." La strega bevve. "Ecco perché sa di aceto.
it is madness in al women to let a secret love kindle within them, which, if unreturned and unknown, must devour the life that feeds it; and, if discovered and responded to, must lead into miry wilds whence there is no extrication.
Los hombres son lo que son, no existe el “hombre perfecto” pero siempre puedes encontrar “al indicado” ese que es el correcto para ti, con esos defectos que son simplemente perfectos para alguien como tú.
Sweat, scalded meat, puke, blood, smoke and a dozen kinds of bad ale and wine: the bouquet of civilized nightlife
No hay más remedio que ser lo más honesto posible con uno mismo. Ser honesto y, al menos, vivir con cierta libertad. No sé si te será de gran ayuda, pero es lo único que te puedo decir.
Al eens geprobeerd een huis te (laten) bouwen zonder bouwtekeningen? Probeer dan ook geen website te bouwen zonder Internet Project Plan.
Já jsem uctivý a zdvořilý ke každému, ale kdyby lidi věděli, jak těžká mi je tato uctivost a zdvořilost, utíkali by ode mne a prosili by mne, abych jim odpustil, že jejich stín padl na mou cestu.
You know, sometimes the world seems like a pretty mean place.' 'That's why animals are so soft and huggy.
Ma che cosa posso raccontare a questa ragazza, ora, in questa fredda mattina ventosa al Gritti Palace Hotel? “Che cosa vorresti sapere, Figlia?” le chiese “Tutto quanto.” “Va bene” disse il colonnello. “Incominciamo.
Siate sinceri! Siate sempre sinceri! E mostrate francamente al mondo, se non proprio il vostro lato peggiore, almeno qualche aspetto, da cui possa essere noto il peggiore male che è in voi.
Al escribir "historia" me refiero a la general o universal. No hay otra: lo que se llama "historia patria" es espejo del hombre -y entonces es también universal- o es una anécdota de sobremesa.
I gained a first class degree in Physics at Imperial College London in 1968 and did research in solid state physics, but did not pursue meteorology matters until gaining an M.Sc. in astrophysics from Queen Mary College London in 1981, after which I i...
The strongest man is the one who, when he gets angry and his face reddens and his hackles rise, is able to defeat his anger. (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 5/367, and classified as hasan in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3859)