For the person who has learned to let go and let be, nothing can ever get in the way again.
Tell Jack that after he finishs saving the universe again, he has to take out the trash in the kitchen." -Rosalind Kirby, one day in 1971
Terrorists have already attacked our Nation once. There is every reason to believe that they will try again - possibly with a weapon of mass destruction; a weapon that could be smuggled into our ports.
The naked thing was short-lived. It was only around for about six months because we thought it was shocking. Once people expected us to do it we kind of never did it again.
You know you may feel very sad like a child whose toy is broken; but then you know sun rises, life continues and you start laughing again!
I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me.
The larvae you see today would grow into a large butterfly tomorrow. Size is what you see now, allow the clock to tick, then check on the size again.
Once you are defiled, you can't get back your purity by any means, instead, you will only look for ways to be defiled over and over again.
Your heart desire will come, but when it comes, you desire for another, and when it comes again, you still aspire for another, that shows your level of ingratitude.
I get recognized now and again, but the paparazzi aren't following me around. I get to go to the shop and buy bread and milk, and no one worries me.
This whole acting thing was always just for me and was always an absolute shot in the dark. If it didn't pan out, I had my hammer and tool belt, banging nails again tomorrow if I had to.
We are at a point in the video game industry that the industry is hollowed out. It is out of touch with the zeitgeist, creating sequels and formulaic games over and over again. The energy comes from the indies.
When someone hurts you time and time again, accept the fact that they don't care about you. Its a tough pill to swallow, but its necessary medicine.
I'd stand in line for Confession with old people and little kids, and as the line moved up, I knew when I got into the box that I would lie! Again!
I think the most surprising thing about the Olympics would be the amount of interaction and partying that goes on behind the scenes. They have nightclubs at the Olympic Village. It's like college all over again.
Qatar is giving 2.8% of our GDP to research. This is something again that is a breakthrough, as nobody was even thinking of research as a tool or component for advancement in this part of the world.
Many times you will fail. That is the nature of the world, and the truth of life. But when you find your horse again, will go back or will you go forward?
Thinking about quantum physics is like unraveling your brain and putting it back together again upside down. Much like studying Kabbalah.
Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger.
I'd taken some classes at UCB in New York and again at the Magnet Theater and the PIT Theater. I definitely never advanced to where I was on a team or anything like that.
I don't really want to be doing high budget, where they've got cranes and everything. That just sounds boring, having to do the same thing over and over again.