I learned to embrace my individuality, and if that meant writing a song on one chord over and over again, then that's what I do.
I've been giving interviews for the last 25 or 30 years, more often than not answering the same questions over and over again, ad nauseum.
Our military commanders have said over and over again that a timetable for withdrawal sends the wrong message to our troops, but more importantly to our enemy.
But then again in the East Coast, I think, Tupac, inspired everybody on the East Coast, everybody down south, everybody in the West Coast you know what sayin'.
We are like Humpty Dumpty and all these king's horses and all these king's men cannot put us back together again
I think if I was in over 250 films, the world would get pretty sick of me. I would probably never get put in anything ever again.
Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but ... life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.
Saturday Night Live is hitting me on a regular basis again. This is my fourth decade that I've been lampooned on Saturday Night Live.
Only in drama does it end with the tragedy; in life it grinds on. Moanday, tearsday, happy days, right through to Shatterdays. And Again.
I would rather turn my head and cough than see any part of 'Patch Adams' again. The title of this movie should have been 'Punch Adams!'
Every record that I've ever made, I listen to it so much before it comes out. As soon as it comes out, I never listen to it again. It's, like, over.
On the field, blacks have been able to be super giants. But, once our playing days are over, this is the end of it and we go back to the back of the bus again.
I realized I made a big mistake and if I could have it over again, I would do it so much differently.
Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again.
I always think, look at how people were before they were pregnant. If you were a toned, healthy, energetic person, most likely you will be like that again.
I am loathe to get married again. I've been married enough; I just prefer to forget it.
I was a beginner again. I practiced hard and used to listen very closely to recordings of American jazz drummers such as Tony Williams and Kenny Clarke.
In films, the fact that you can always do a scene again takes a load off your mind, enabling you to strive for perfection, which I always wanted.
Nobody likes to have trouble. The moment we get a hint that it's coming, a common response is, 'Oh no! Not again!'
Dare to dream again. For dreaming is the language of your soul, And nothing your soul truly desires could ever be wrong or impossible.
I find the roller-coaster ride of auditioning most challenging. It's always about putting yourself out there, being rejected, and then getting back out there and trying again.