[screaming, after Amélie spills tea on her] Georgette: Bravo! Vive la France! You scalded me! Bravo! Ten out of ten! Ten out of ten! Bull's eye!
Paul Biegler: [after cross-examining a convicted felon] Your Honor, I don't think I can dignify this - -creature - - with any more questions.
Kilgore: [after the Red Team gunship spectacularly knocks out a heavy AA artillery unit] Outstanding, Red Team, outstanding! Get you a case of beer for that one.
Natasha Romanoff: [after kissing Bruce Banner] I adore you... [Suddenly pushes him off cliff] Natasha Romanoff: ...but I need the Other Guy.
[after Jake enters his avatar body] Dr. Max Patel: Jake! Listen to me! You're not used to your avatar body. This is dangerous! Jake Sully: [excited] This is great!
[Alice falls down the rabbit hole and her dress poofs up like a parachute] Alice: Well, after this I should think nothing of falling down stairs.
Alice: [after the Walrus and the Carpenter] That was a very sad story. Tweedle Dee: Aye, but there's a moral to it. Alice: Oh, a very good moral, if you happen to be an oyster.
Brian Johnson: [after Brian explains his F in shop] Did you know without trigonometry, there'd be no engineering? Bender: Without lamps, there'd be no light.
Bonnie Parker: [to Clyde, after he rebuffs her romantic advances] Your advertising's just dandy... folks would never guess you don't have a thing to sell.
Clyde Barrow: [Bonnie can't stop laughing after Clyde held up a failed bank and left empty-handed] We got a dollar ninety-eight, and you're laughing!
Sanderson: [after Cpt. Steele orders Grimes to hook up with Eversmann] "MY GUYS, LET'S GO!" [Deltas depart for the Wolcott crash site with Grimes in-tow]
[addressing the shocked expressions at the dance after playing a wild heavy metal guitar solo] Marty McFly: I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.
Tre Styles: [laughing after he breaks down in tears] I never thought I'd be crying in front of a female. Brandi: You can cry in front of me.
[after leaving Jennifer on her front porch swing in the Alternate 1985] Marty McFly: I don't remember bars bein' on these windows...
[after the duel between Buford Tannen and Marty, which ended with Buford landing in green horse dung] Seamus McFly: [chuckling to himself] That was good.
Doc: [after Doc wakes up from being passed out drunk from one shot of whiskey] The thing I really miss here is Tylenol.
Butch Cassidy: Well, that ought to do it. [after blowing the train car to smithereens] Sundance Kid: Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
[after much patient pressure, the desk clerk has finally offered up some details] Desk Clerk: Am I helping you, sir? Delgetti: I never had it so good.
Judah Ben-Hur: [after he is sentenced to the galleys] May God grant me vengeance! I will pray that you live until I return! Messala: [ironically] Return?
[after Rachael kills Leon] Deckard: Shakes? Me too. I get 'em bad. It's part of the business. Rachael: I'm not in the business... I *am* the business.
Rachael: What if I go north? Disappear. Would you come after me? Hunt me? Deckard: No... No, I wouldn't. I owe you one... But somebody would.