Magic Mirror: Prepare to be amazed beyond all expectations. After all it is what I do.
Snow White and the Seven DwarfsDaphne: [after meeting the dipsomaniac Sugar] How about the shape of that liquor cabinet?
Some Like It Hot[after Lina gets a pie thrown in her face] Cosmo Brown: Lina, You've never looked lovelier.
Singin' in the Rain[after Don shows up late for a party] Cosmo Brown: Don, how did you come, by way of Australia?
Singin' in the RainCole Sear: [unimpressed after Malcolm Crowe's magic trick with coin] I didn't know you were funny.
The Sixth SenseMalcolm Crowe: [after watching the school play] I thought Tommy Tammisimo sucked big time.
The Sixth SenseTerrence: [after singing and a few seconds of silence] Suck my balls
South Park: Bigger Longer & UncutRamona V. Flowers: [after defending Scott from Roxy] Do that again, and I will end you!
Scott Pilgrim vs. the WorldMoses: [in a loud, commanding voice] After this day you shall see his chariots no more!
The Ten Commandments