How many times would he disappoint you in a day if you were married to him, Ursula wondered?
Life After LifeWhat keeps life fascinating is the constant creativity of the soul.
Life After Death: The Burden of ProofHappy is still Happy, with or without the Ever After.
The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of SassSaadi en su Bostán: “El Sendero no se encuentra en el rosario, la alfombra de oración y el manto”.
Seeker After TruthLos grandes hombres son grandes hasta que lo saben. Los santos son santos hasta que lo saben.
Seeker After TruthThe amount of time we give to something indicates it's importance to us.
A Young Man After God's Own HeartWhen your prayers aren’t answered immediately, sometimes God has a different—or better—plan.
A Man After God's Own Heart Devotional