The greatest gift is not being afraid to question.
To be afraid of sorrow is to be afraid of joy also.
Grown-ups are afraid for children. It's not children who are afraid.
I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not living." -Jared Alexander
Who suffers from diarrhea, is not afraid of the dark.
He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning.
The man who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning.
The blind person is not afraid of ghosts.
The wolf is not afraid of the sheepdog, but he is of his chain.
He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.
I'm not afraid of death. Death's afraid of me.
I'm not afraid to make mistakes. I'm afraid of not learning from them.
Find what you are afraid of, face it, and then you won't be afraid of it anymore.
I'm pretty good with not being afraid to just go up to people and introduce myself.
I am not afraid of aging, but more afraid of people's reactions to my aging.
That's the whole key to anything: Don't be afraid to fail. And Bernie Mac is not afraid to fail.
I'm afraid of heights. Not unreasonably, but rationally afraid of heights. I think everyone is.
One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.
George: Good. Better. Best. Bested.
[first lines] Martha: [with disgust] What a dump.
I'm not afraid of failing. I don't like to fail. I hate to fail. But I'm not afraid of it.