Never let your Enemies become your Advocates.” by A. K. Hasan
Gladiator Leaders: Don't Drink the Laced DrinkKama purusharth advocates desires fulfilled be, Albeit in awareness, without harming anybody;
Goals of LifeSense isn’t democratic. A senseless opinion that’s advocated by 'the majority' is still senseless.
Mokokoma MokhonoanaDenounce me for advocating freedom if you can, and I will bear your curse with a better resignation.
Victoria WoodhullWe have to spend a lot more time training people to be good advocates of U.S. business.
Lawrence EagleburgerIn January 1776, Thomas Paine issued 'Common Sense,' advocating independence from Great Britain.
Mike CrapoI really consider my goal is that, wherever I am in life, I want to be a social advocate.
Hugh Evans