It was settled by the Constitution, the laws, and the whole practice of the government that the entire executive power is vested in the President of the United States.
Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contested by any government or nation, not even the most belligerent.
Military hardliners called me a 'security threat' for promoting peace in South Asia and for supporting a broad-based government in Afghanistan.
If two people of the same sex fall in love and want to marry, why would our government stand in their way?
For any new leader of any party at any given time it takes time if you are not in government to establish yourself.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
Fear is a very explosive emotion, but it has a short life span. It's the sprint. The marathon is hope.
As to women, the Islamic faith has given women rights that are equal to or more than the rights given them in the Old Testament and the Bible.
I'm convinced many of America's heroes are public school teachers and administrators. Many of these people do what they do because of their faith.
Lets have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.
I've always thought, and it gets tested at times, that I have a great faith in the fundamental goodness of human beings.
Faith crosses every border and touches every heart in every nation.
Politics is an act of faith; you have to show some kind of confidence in the intellectual and moral capacity of the public.
Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.
The political process is rough and tumble by definition, and being grounded in faith in a Higher Power has proven helpful in navigating the difficult terrain.
In the last analysis, of course, an oath will encourage fidelity in office only to the degree that officeholders continue to believe that they cannot escape ultimate accountability for a breach of faith.
I used to say to my late wife, 'I have great faith in the American people.'
Everything I am I owe to my faith and secondly to parents who were old school.
I personally have always found the Unitarian faith a source of comfort and help in my daily life.
Non-violence requires a double faith, faith in God and also faith in man.
Each one prays to God according to his own light.