Senators will do what they think they need to do to represent their constituents.
The game is not lost - or won - until the last bell goes.
I have never yet heard of a murderer who was not afraid of a ghost.
There is no evidence of any kind except that is directed toward Oswald.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.
My last comment was, though, that Congress has cooked the books.
I always intended to return to the private sector.
Jim mentioned I was an ALEC member, and that's correct.
There is nothing politically right that is morally wrong.
Gujarat is developed because of its people; everyone has participated in the development process.
Our State Department is often wrong and timid.
I don't want to ever minimize the danger of working in a mine.
Learn to say 'I don't know.' If used when appropriate, it will be often.
Arguments of convenience lack integrity and inevitably trip you up.
Prune - prune businesses, products, activities, people. Do it annually.
If you develop rules, never have more than ten.
The United States can't be sheriff of the whole world.
I'm mostly drawn to narratives that are difficult for me to visualize.
A vacation from school should not mean hunger for our children.
I'm plain incapable of getting angry with Angela Merkel and likewise.
Poland is not a very large country, but it's also not a small country.